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All About Herbs and Edible Flowers
Flowercraft Garden Center
550 Bayshore Blvd.
San Francisco, CA 94124
Contact: mgsmsf@ucanr.edu
Sponsor: Master Gardeners of San Mateo & SF Counties

All About Herbs and Edible Flowers

Description: Discover new gardening excitement and learn the basics of growing, harvesting and using culinary herbs and edible flowers. Start your plants from seeds, cuttings, transplants and divisions; integrate your herbs in your landscapes, vegetable gardens and containers; maintain your plants with sustainable methods; and harvest your herbs for maximum flavor. Let’s have fun while sharing many ideas to use your fresh and preserved herbs.

UC Master Gardener Presenter Kathy Fleming: Kathy loves creating a balance at her Peninsula home by growing culinary herbs and flowers in containers and her perennial landscape. She uses the herbs and edible flowers in many recipes, either fresh and/or dried, and loves sharing them with friends and neighbors. Kathy has been a Master Gardener since 2006 and has always enjoyed speaking and sharing ideas about this passion.

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