California Farm Demonstration Network

Jun 13, 2016

California Farm Demonstration Network

Jun 13, 2016

Wednesday, June 15th, 2016

10:00 AM 

T & D Willey Farms, Madera, CA

The fourth in our series of five farm visits that are part of the California Farm Demonstration Network will be taking place this Wednesday, June 15th, beginning at 10:00 AM and winding up at about 11:45 AM at the farm of Tom and Denesse Willey at the southwest corner of the intersection of Road 20 and Avenue 14 about five miles west of the town of Madera, CA.  As with each of the other farm visits that are being hosted during May and June by a variety of farmers in the San Joaquin Valley, the visit with Tom Willey will focus on his long-term goals for soil health and the practices that he uses to achieve those goals.  Participants will have an opportunity to learn what Tom has been doing at T & D Willey Farms over the years and what he has learned as a result of his soil care practices.  In addition, we will all also have an opportunity to contribute to some actual data collection following Tom's introductory discussion that will be part of the discovery process of the farm demonstration network and that will serve as baseline information for future comparisons and monitoring. 

If anyone is leaving the Davis, CA to come to the event and is interested in carpooling, please contact Jessica Rudnick at

By Jeffrey P Mitchell
Author - CE Cropping Systems Specialist

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