National Mosquito Control Awareness Week

Jun 30, 2016

This week is National Mosquito Control Awareness Week (June 26-July 2nd). The goal of the campaign is to remind people to protect themselves against mosquitoes especially in the summer months.

In the past, information about mosquitoes instructed people to avoid being outside at dusk. However, some of the mosquitoes species that carry the Zika virus are considered “day” biters, so it is important to protect yourself at all times while outdoors. Keep this in mind if you plan to camp, attend a barbecue, or sit by a pool.

Certain mosquitoes can breed in very small amounts of water. Make sure your yard or landscape is not a habitat for mosquitoes by covering or cleaning up an items that can hold water.

Watch this video for information on how to prevent mosquitoes from breeding in your yard.

Find out more about mosquitoes on UC IPM's Mosquito page:

By Anne Schellman
Author - Master Gardener Coordinator