Summer Pests? Video Solutions!

Summer is all about being outdoors and enjoying camping, swimming, playing, and other activities with family and friends. But it's a real drag when pests such as ants, yellowjackets, or mosquitoes ruin the fun.

When you have a pest problem and want to find a solution quickly, it can be helpful to watch a short video that tells you what you can do. In UC IPM's Video Library, you will find over 30 helpful videos on these and other common pests that are active in summer or other times of the year.

1. Ants: Using a Sticky Barrier to Prevent Ants on Trees and Shrubs

2. Gophers: How to Set a Macabee Trap

Gopher related videos:

3. Mosquitoes: Protect Yourself from Mosquito Bites

Mosquito related video:
Don't let mosquitoes breed in your yard!

4. Yellowjackets
: How to Reduce Yellowjackets Around Your Yard

Yellowjackets related videos:
Distinguishing between yellowjackets, wasps, and look-alikes
Finding and treating yellowjacket nests


By Anne Schellman
Author - Master Gardener Coordinator